Saturday, March 26, 2022

Foundation Excavate

 It was time once again to bring out the excavator. This time I was excavating for the storm drain, sewer and most importantly the foundation. It took about twice as long as I expected, probably due to the small bucket (12" wide), which is all my truck could tow. I love working with these machines.

The storm drain installed

The storm line and dry well excavated

Footprint of the building excavated

Roots from the fir tree that was cut down seemed to be everywhere

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


 The neighbor who helped split the wood from the fir tree suggested I built a shed to house all the wood. I was reluctant at first, then realized I could use this shed to temporarily stay in as I built the cabin. It took about 2 to 3 weeks to build but is constantly being added to and improved.

The end result

Adding the 3 posts opposite of the fence that would make the wall of the shed

2x6 roof rafters added

Making progress with plywood walls and a metal roof

The inside of the shed. It kept flooding until I diverted the neighbors roof drain away from the uphill side.

Inspektor Takoda. Very strict and code abiding, until the dog treats come out.

The finished product. Siding by 40 year old fence boards, windows from Craigslist, and wood trim by old fence boards found on the property. 

The inside view with a fire in the stove and a dog resting not in a dog bed, but rather the leather chair.

Front Door Entry Steps

 This was my first attempt at gluing and clamping, to make large wood planks. I was surprised how easy it was, although I probably did not d...